Dress Codes Explained!
Invitations to Holiday Events start arriving right after Halloween.Many invitations specify a dress code.Here are some of the common dress codes I am seeing this season broken down for you to easily understand.There are 3 types of events you may be invited to each one requires that you dress appropriately. Formal and Semi Formal Black…
How to dress in this insane weather!
I am sure you are experiencing what happened to me this saturday,the day started out as a nice Spring day at 55 degrees,by lunchtime it was Summer a very warm 80 degrees but by 6 pm we had dropped down to a very Wintery 38 degrees. How can anyone dress for this insane weather? Follow…
5 tips to find your perfect bag
We all know that have the perfect handbag polishes your outfit and makes your life easy and effortless.It is an effective way to enhance even the simplest outfit and your figure.Here are 5 simple tips to set you on the road to finding your dream bag. Buying the right bag. 1.How does it look? Just…
How to accessorize your body!
Now that you are familiar with your body type and how to dress it.You must also pay attention to how you accessorize it.I have always said that accessories can make your break your outfit.When you pick your accessories it is critical that they work with your outfit but it is also vital that they compliment…
Know your Body Type?
In the cold days of January some of us are planning to change our body thru diet and exercise and some of us are planning to dress our body in the latest Spring fashions that are being previewed right now.I am a firm believer that you should always dress the body you have right now…