Scarves and the Summer-Seen all over NYC
Just like Sex and the City,Scarves and Summer is an integral part of the New York style scene. Make them a key part of your Summer Style.They are extremely versatile and can be used as a headwrap, a top, a skirt or even a dress The windows at Bergdorf Goodman featured a stunning array of…
Some fashion inspiration!
Some times you need to be inspired.Fall is around the corner and before you start planing your new outfits here is some inspiration for you.Feel free to print out which ever one speaks to you and hang it up right next to your closet.
Win at the Game of Style
Style is a great game and just like any game it can be mastered,it takes insight,planning and practice.Here are 5 steps that can up your style game. Step 1-Know the Game Before you start planing the game you should know what the objectives are: The Objectives are to Look Confident Beautiful Pulled Together Chic While…
Scarves and the Summer-Seen all over NYC
Just like Sex and the City,Scarves and the Summer is an integral part of the New York style scene. Make them a key part of your Summer Style. The windows at Bergdorf Goodman feature a stunning array of Hermes scarves worn in all kinds of ways. Remember your scarf is your Lifesaver and can double…