Sunil Ramchandani

Design guru's WORLD featurING relatable style tips, and a simple guide to dressing, accessorizing and looking amazing.

The Perfect Fall Wardrobe in 5 Easy Steps!

As we head to the Fall and dream about having that perfect wardrobe.The one that is fully integrated  and well edited that epitomizes your style and fully covers all your needs yet manages to look fresh and exciting every time you step out.

Some swear it is just an urban myth and is impossible but with these 5 easy steps you can attain  wardrobe nirvana.The biggest mistake people make is buying one offs,a cute top or a great outfit or some divine shoes and when you bring it home and add it to your closet it just does not give you a cohesive wardrobe.My definition of a dream wardrobe is one that you can get dressed completely in the dark and when you step out into the light you look like a million bucks.

This is the perfect time to do a little planning,Fall is not quite here but we pretty much know what is coming in the next two weeks.Here is what you need to do.

Step 1-Be honest about your body and lifestyle.

As we age our body shape often changes so does it if you have lost or gained more that 15 pounds your shape changes.It is important to dress the body you have,not the body you have or the body you plan to have.Take a few minutes to measure yourself and confirm your body type.Here is a cheat sheet to help you.

Be honest about your lifestyle,if you work from home buying a whole lot of dresses and suits is not going to help.Take stock of what you wear 80% of the time.Do not buy something because you friend is wearing it and loves it.

Step 2-Stick to a Color Story

For the majority of what you wear stick to 4 complimentary shades and work with them.This allows for optimal mixing and matching.For the Fall I like mixing two dark tones with a mid tone and an accent.If you are a print person do add one great print.You can have a color story for work and another for casual if you like.Here are some on trend color stories for Fall 2019.

Step 3- Go for Quality and Fit over Quantity

As Americans we love variety but here is where we should take a lesson from our European sisters.French women tend to have less but it fits them perfectly and is the very best quality they can afford.This is very important when it comes to Outerwear,Bags and Shoes.Quality pieces tend to last longer so in the long run they actually cost less.

Step 4-Create your Core or Foundation

Just like a great house begins with a foundation your wardrobe is built on core pieces or essentials.These are the work horses of you wardrobe that multi task in many outfits.Depending on your lifestyle you may have different core pieces.Make a list of what your items are and make sure you have them,that they fit and are in good condition.Create a checklist and if you do not have it make sure you acquire these pieces first.Here is an example for a professional who works in a casual office.

You should add some on trend fashion tops to balance out your selection.The general rule is that you should have 3 top options for every bottom.Make sure these pieces flatter you really well,if not go out and get a piece that does,here are some guidelines.

Step 5-Work with your Budget

The best way to do it is to follow the 80/20 Rule. 80% of your funds go to carefully planned items to fill your wardrobe gaps.The balance 20% goes towards impulse buys,whims and sales.Here are 10 wardrobe basics that are always in style and give you the best bang for your buck.


So with these five simple steps,a little planning and some smart shopping with a dose of self control you can have an amazing wardrobe.







9 responses to “The Perfect Fall Wardrobe in 5 Easy Steps!”
  1. dustyhope Avatar

    Cant wait to see the new prints — ❤

  2. Maryanne Miller Avatar
    Maryanne Miller

    I cannot wait!

  3. Carolyn Halbur Avatar
    Carolyn Halbur

    This is such a great article, Sunil! Thank you so much for sharing your “simply chic” dressing info! Every woman can benefit from your knowledge — I even simplified my 93-year-old mom’s closet using your guidelines!

  4. Margee Lennard Avatar
    Margee Lennard

    Love this article, Sunil. Can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon!!
    You are one talented guy!

    1. Sunil Ramchandani Avatar

      Thanks so much for your kind words,lots of exciting stuff happening stay tuned.

  5. Monica Ritchey, Ruby Ribbon personal stylist Avatar
    Monica Ritchey, Ruby Ribbon personal stylist

    Another fantastic article my friend, as always!! It’s always interesting to remind ourselves about #1- visit our body & lifestyle. I’m doing this now that I’m in my 40’s and just recently had a baby.

    1. Sunil Ramchandani Avatar

      You look fabulous but you may have to get some baby proof clothes to add to your wardrobe,Love Sunil

  6. Bonnie Ennis Avatar
    Bonnie Ennis

    Thank you. It used to be so easy to get a wardrobe that looked great when I sold jockey clothing. You did all the work for us with your awesome designs. I still have a few pieces in my closet.

    1. Sunil Ramchandani Avatar

      Thanks so much for your kind words,stay tunned something exciting in the works.Love Sunil

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